Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Friday, April 6, 2007
INUVIK - The family centre turned two-years-old on Monday and staff are working hard to keep up with the demand for the facility.
"We're working to re-arrange some scheduling," said supervisor Rob Smith.

Family centre staff Rebecca Gesch and supervisor Rob Smith pose with some swim passes and goggles. The centre turned two-years-old this week and the two have been busy preparing for the next year of service. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
"We want to get some feedback about some program times."
Smith said the Learn to Swim program has been busy lately and is finishing up next week.
"It's a five-week program, with 10 sessions in all," said Smith.
The swimming lessons are for all ages and experience.
Smith said the program has some conflicts with the ice rink public skate.
"The ice is down now, so we might see more people coming in for a swim," said Smith.
Although some programs are being looked at, Smith said the scheduling should stay familiar.
"I haven't done many changes since I took over the position," said Smith.
Working out scheduling for his staff is another issue for Smith.
"I want my workers to have full shifts, not split shifts," said Smith.
"I want them working eight hours straight, like most jobs."
Splitting shifts is needed in the pool because of the structure of the programs.
The shuffle of the lane swim program is a good example of Smith's concern.
"We would open up the lanes at six o' clock in the morning, but only a few people would come in," said Smith.
"Now the lane swims are at 6 p.m. and people seem to like that."
The swimming lanes are also open during the adult swim period, to allow for more swimmers to use the pool.
The pool altered its schedule for the students who are on March break as well.
"We extended our public swims to give the kids something to do since they aren't in school," said Smith.
Rebecca Gesch has been working at the centre for the past two years. She said people are now familiar with the programs and the facility.
"I've been here since day one, April 2, 2005," said Gesch.
"People know the centre pretty well and have been coming in regularly."
Working at the front desk has been good for Gesch because she gets to meet new people all the time.
"Working here has been enjoyable," she said.