Factory the pride of Fort McPherson
Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Friday, April 30, 2007
FORT MCPHERSON - Fort McPherson's white canvas tents are famous across the NWT.
They are used by hunters and trappers in the wilderness, used as sheds and garages in communities and also provide shelter at jamborees.

Steven Tetlichi was flipping burgers at Fort McPherson's Peel River Jamboree April 21. He said the community's canvas tents are comfortable year-round if properly maintained. - Philippe Morin/NNSL photo |
But they're also famous in another way.
"You could see them on North of 60, you could see the logo," said Fort McPherson's Wayne Greenland.
Like many people in the hamlet, Greenland said he's proud of McPherson's tent factory.
He said he keeps a wall tent installed year-round in his backyard, and keeps it heated by wood stove.
"It's just a nice place to go outside and relax," he said. Indeed, Fort McPherson's residents are proud of their factory, which was established in 1970.
Steven Tetlichi, who was flipping burgers during the community's Peel River Jamboree April 21, said the tents are essential to local trappers.
"It's the only wall tents you can get in the area, unless you order from a catalogue. I know they sell them worldwide, they are pretty popular," he said.
While McPherson's tents might be the only ones available, he said they are also of impeccable quality.
"If you set up a tent properly and you have an oven, you can live there all year," he said.
One trick Tetlichi mentioned is to use spruce boughs for the floor, which makes the ground soft and traps heat. Plus, it smells nice, he added.
For Greenland and many other people in McPherson, the tents are much more than a camping supply -- they are a source of pride, and a sign that McPherson is number one at something important.
"They are waterproof, tear proof, fireproof -- just the best tents," Greenland said.