Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Friday, April 20, 2007
INUVIK - After a year and a half of planning and meetings, the Inuvik working group has settled on a list of applicants for the community capacity building fund.

Metis representative Chris Larocque, left, and Mayor Derek Lindsay stand above a map of Inuvik. The Inuvik working group has completed requests for the Community Capacity Building fund and are awaiting the funding from Municipal and Community Affairs. The total funding approved for Inuvik was $1,862,500 that will be divided among many organizations in town. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
The working group was formed in 2005 to make a list of funding requests from the community in regards to the $1.8 million Inuvik received of the $35 million being supplied to the NWT communities by the federal government.
The working group was made of four different governing bodies in Inuvik: the Metis, the Inuvialuit, the Gwich'in and the Town office.
Chris Larocque was on the committee representing the Metis. He said he is content with the list that was made and knows it will benefit the community as a whole.
"I believe the list is complete," said Larocque.
"Everyone who receives funding has met each requirement set for them."
Larocque said the requirements for funding were set by Municipal and Community Affairs. Another set of requirements was created by the working group.
"We took their requirements and made some of our own that were specifically for Inuvik," said Larocque.
Twenty organizations vied for funding, said Larocque.
"Originally, we had requests totalling over $4 million," said Larocque.
"That was brought down to $1.8 million in total, for nine groups."
Larocque added that no organizations have been made aware of their funding yet.
"We wanted to make sure we had everything we recommended before we told anyone about their amounts," he said.
MACA regional superintendent John Picek said the list was approved and the funding is en route to the town office.
"The town will be in charge of distributing the money as well as accountability for the funds," said Picek.
"They can start implementing the funds right away."
Mayor Derek Lindsay said the town will contact those organizations about the funding they will receive.
"Letters are being sent out to inform the groups of their money," said Lindsay.
Larocque said he is happy the funding will be distributed in the community and said the whole process was the result of co-operation.
"We all worked together for this," he said.
"Thanks have to go out to many people, everyone who sat on the working group. The town staff also were helpful."