Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Monday, April 16, 2007
INUVIK/TUKTOYAKTUK - The licensee plate on Dan Powaschuk's modified Kawasaki motorbike reads "4 ERIC."
It is a tribute to his five-year old son, who was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Regina motorcyclist Dan Powaschuk, shown with autistic son Eric, 5, was expected to visit Tuktoyaktuk on April 15, to speak about his experience with the syndrome. - photo courtesy of Dan Powaschuk |
On March 15, the Regina man started a month-long journey into the Yukon and NWT, which was scheduled to end in Tuktoyaktuk April 15.
Powaschuk's plan was to drive a small motorcycle from Regina to Whitehorse, passing through Dawson City and Inuvik along the way.
Lisa Simmermon, of the group Saskatchewan Families for Effective Autism Treatment, said the stunt was intended to bring attention to autism in the North.
"He's been doing this as a way to raise awareness of autism, so all along his ride he's been stopping in communities and meeting with families and organizations," she said.
She added doctors often misdiagnose the disorder, because it might resemble other types of speech impediments.
"When children are young, with autism, more than half have no language whatsoever," Simmermon said.
"Without effective treatment, they remain nonverbal and for the most part have tremendous problems with communication. With effective treatment, we've been able to reduce that."
She added that the Saskatchewan Families for Effective Autism Treatment are currently helping to undertake a nationwide study to assess the number of autistic children in Canada.
Powaschuk's motorbike is modified for long distances, and includes studded tires, extra fuel and a battery-powered, heated suit.
He has held similar driving tours in Mexico, the United-States and across Canada.