Jason Unrau
Northern News Services
Friday, March 30, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - Bill Enge interprets his acclamation for a second term as president of North Slave Metis Alliance as a vote of support for his past efforts and a green light to keep moving forward.
"We've made significant progress," said Enge of the board of directors' work since he took over as president in late 2004.

Bill Enge: North Slave Metis Alliance President acclaimed for a second term. - Jason Unrau/NNSL photo |
"Two years ago the alliance was 12 months from bankruptcy and now, not only have we resolved the crisis but we're on the road to prosperity."
From 2000 to 2004, the North Slave Metis Alliance was engaged in several lawsuits, both internal and external, including a bid to halt the Dogrib Treaty 11 land claim process. According to Enge, the legal wranglings were consuming an average of $500,000 annually in legal fees (approximately half the alliance budget).
Enge said his first act as president was to stop the madness.
"We were bleeding to death from legal fees... the infighting and poor management resulted in us reaching the brink," said Enge who referred to the instigators as "kamikaze members" in a March 2006 Yellowknifer story.
No stranger to controversy himself, Enge filed and won a class-action lawsuit after he and 87 other members were expelled from NSMA in 1998.
Now back in the alliance saddle following an uncontested March 24 election, Enge will be joined by five acclaimed board members - Vice President Hugh McSwain, Secretary and Treasurer Marc Whitford, and three directors Elizabeth MacPherson, Nora McSwain and Robert Mercredi.
So confident in his team and direction, Enge believes that in the next five years NSMA will generate $10 million worth of business.
During his tenure, Enge has secured an Impact and Benefit Agreement with De Beers that secures the diamond giant as buyers of NSMA shotcrete products.
The group also has a similar deal with BHP Billiton as well as hauling contracts with both Diavik and De Beers.
"When you take what we've accomplished in two years, it became clear to me and my team that the membership wants us to continue building on our successes," said Enge.
"That's why, in my view, none of our members, including our most stalwart opponents, wanted to challenge our leadership."