Politicians serve... tea and goodies
Christine Grimard
Northern News Services
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - It was pinkies up for Yellowknife's political elite Sunday as MLAs, city councillors, and the mayor served tea at the Baker Centre for seniors.

Zelma McCormick said she had no complaints about service from Robert Hawkins, MLA for Yellowknife Centre. She said Hawkins stayed busy bringing goodies and pots of tea to make sure their cups never ran dry. - Christine Grimard/NNSL photo |
Everyone was wearing their Sunday best as the politicians served up sandwiches and poured tea into fine china, proving they have skills to fall back on when their political careers come to an end.
Mayor Gordon Van Tighem scored top marks for his service skills, said Barb Needham.
"He's interesting to talk to and he listens well to all of us," said Needham.
"He has a lovely spice of charm."
Zelma McCormick also had praise for the service from Robert Hawkins, MLA for Yellowknife Centre.
"He was always going back and forth for more tea," said McCormick, whose only complaint is that she could hardly get Hawkins to sit down and join them.
Enjoying the guests' company wasn't a problem for Coun. Mark Heyck.
"I keep forgetting that I'm serving," said Heyck. "I'm just enjoying the company."
Terri Boldt, who helped organize the event, said the servers were left without any advice on how to serve.
"They're politicians. We trusted them to take care of their constituents properly," said Boldt.
"It brings back a lot of memories from when they were young," said Vivian Squires, Executive Director of the Yellowknife Seniors Society, about the regular tea times most seniors might be used to.
Squires said the event was planned as a reason for seniors to put on their finest outfits and as a way to welcome spring.
"It's just a chance to dress up," agreed emcee Carol Morin, host of CBC News' Northbeat. "Think of when you were a little girl and you would dress up. It's such a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon."