Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
RANKIN INLET - About 50 parents went back to high school in Rankin Inlet this past week.
The parents got to experience what a day in the life of their children is like at Maani Ulujuk high school (MUI) during Take Your Parents to School Day.

Parent Terry Kent makes a dash with the Frisbee as he looks for a teammate to take the pass during Take Your Parents to School Day at Maani Ulujuk High in Rankin Inlet this past week. - Darrell Greer/NNSL photo |
Principal Jesse Payne said staff members identified some of MUI's focus points underneath the broader spectrum of Rankin's school-improvement process, which was explored in co-operation with the local District Education Authority.
He said one of the prime objectives to be identified was the need to bring parents into the school on a consistent basis and open MUI more to the community.
"So, basically, Take Your Parents To School Day resulted from that initiative," said Payne.
"The idea behind the day was to have parents come in and experience education as it's delivered at MUI."
Payne said staff members were actually a little surprised by just how large the turnout was. He said while there were more parents from the junior high side of the school, the senior high students had a solid showing, as well. In all, about 50 parents representing close to 60 students spent at least a part of the day at the school.
Payne said the day concluded with a dodge-ball challenge between parents and students in both junior and senior high.
He said while a few staff members did play to even up the teams, it was predominately parents and students who took part.
"Our goal was to have the parents see how their children are being taught, what's happening in the classroom and the interaction between students and teachers.
"We wanted them to experience a day in the shoes of their kids."
Payne said Take Your Parents to School Day was a big success. He said a lot of positive feedback has been received from the parents concerning the event.
"The parents really liked the idea and had a good time throughout the day.
"They enjoyed every class they attended, and they participated in the class.
"They didn't just go and sit quietly in the room, and that interaction is exactly what we were hoping to see.
"It's definitely something the school will attempt to carry on with in the future."