Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Monday, March 12, 2007
INUVIK - Fort McPherson's Rebecca Francis makes the three-hour trip to Inuvik about once a month.
She comes for the craft fairs, where she sells boots and mittens, and also for hockey games.

It was all good fun on March 3 as Rebecca Francis, right, and her daughter-in-law Agnes Francis encouraged the family at the Gwich'in Cup. The two had a total of four children and grandchildren in the hockey tournament, which gathered teams from throughout the NWT. - Philippe Morin/NNSL photo
But, the pride of her trips are her four grandsons - Gage Francis, 14, Dalton Francis, 12, Keefer Francis and 6-year-old Clifton Francis - all of whom need to be encouraged from the stands in the arena.
"I am just watching the hockey, watching my grandchildren play," Francis said on March 3, as she followed an energetic game between Fort McPherson and Inuvik.
Sitting beside her on the stands was Francis' daughter-in-law Agnes, who said hockey runs in the family.
When her family relocated to Inuvik earlier this year so she could pursue nursing, she said her husband created an ice rink outside Aurora College's housing.
And now, her boys play for the Inuvik league.
"I cheer for my son's team, but I'm cheering for McPherson too," she said during the game on March 3.
Francis agreed, saying she doesn't really care which team wins.
"I'm just here to see how the games go. I hear they do good, I just want to watch them," she said of her grandsons.