Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Monday, March 12, 2007
INUVIK - Since stepping down as mayor of Inuvik in November 2006, Peter Clarkson has become more involved in the surrounding communities.
In fact, as regional director of the GNWT office of the executive, he recently completed a quick tour of Paulatuk, Ulukhaktok, Tsiigehtchic and Fort McPherson, where he met with local leaders.

Former Inuvik Mayor Peter Clarkson is now regional director for the GNWT office of the executive. He recently returned from a tour of Beaufort Delta communities, where he met local leaders to discuss government programs. - Philippe Morin/NNSL photo |
Clarkson said he spent about a day in each community and met representatives from health centres, hamlet offices, and band councils, to assess the success and need for government programs.
He said the consultations happen about once a year.
"We meet with senior managers, community leaders and let them know about government programs. We also let them ask questions," he said, adding he is slated to visit Aklavik on March 15.
One pressing issue for the Delta is the installation of broadband Internet, Clarkson said.
The high-speed service is already available in Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok, while Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk, Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic have the required equipment but are waiting for it to be installed.
Paulatuk is also slated to receive high-speed Internet, Clarkson said, but has been listed as "to be determined" by the AirWare Internet provider, which is spearheading the project along with a consultation board called Connect NWT.
At a meeting of Connect NWT in Inuvik on Feb. 22, Clarkson said it was important that communities get this bandwidth. "The demand is there for broadband services, students in the communities will use it," he said.
Clarkson has been regional director for the office of the executive since November 21.