John Curran
Northern News Services
Monday, March 12, 2007
CAMBRIDGE BAY - Raven Beardy, 16, and Alice Ehaloak, 18, did something that's not often done in Cambridge Bay - they satisfied 300 Big Mac attacks.
Two of the six students working on the yearbook for Kiilinik high and Kullik elementary schools, the pair helped sell the popular burgers to raise about $600-$700 for the project.

Raven Beardy, 16, left, and Alice Ehaloak, 18, show off some of the Big Macs they were selling in Cambridge Bay as a fundraiser for Kiilinik high school's year books. - John Curran/NNSL photo
"It's been good," said Ehaloak. "I never thought I'd end up working in a McDonald's."
The students and their staff adviser, teacher Matthew Ayres, contacted the closest McDonald's, which is in Yellowknife, and arranged to buy 300 Big Macs and have them shipped north to the hamlet.
"The lettuce didn't go on until we sold the burgers," said Ayres. "That way it stayed fresh even though the burgers were warmed up in a microwave."
The sale was split over two days with 210 sold the first day and the remaining 90 selling out in about 10 minutes on the second day.
All together, the group hopes to raise $9,000 over the school year to cover about half the cost of the yearbooks.
"That way the students only end up paying about $25 each," said Ayres, adding that's about what students in southern schools pay for a yearbook.
"It's been a lot of fun," said Beardy. "As a group we plan all of the different frundraisers and then make them happen."
They've come up with some great ideas, too. For example, on Valentine's Day they sold candy-grams that residents sent out to their sweethearts. Just before Christmas they had one of their best events.
"We auctioned off the chance to throw pies in the faces of volunteers from here in Cambridge," they said.
For Ehaloak, while the fundraising has been enjoyable, actually working on the yearbook has been what she's enjoyed most.
"I'm excited to be designing the page layouts," she said. "I really like taking pictures of the little kids at the elementary school."