David Ryan
Northern News Services
Monday, February 5, 2007
NORMAN WELLS - Eagle Plains Resources is excited about a potentially sizeable silver find that went overlooked in the past.
The Cranbrook, B.C.-based company released exploration results from its property, located in the Mackenzie Mountains roughly 70 kilometres off the Canol Trail.

Eagle Plains Resources may have more workers on the ground enjoying the view in the Mackenzie Mountains this summer. The company released results from its Bronco property, with one sample topping out at 1,313 grams per tonne of silver. - photo courtesy of Eagle Plains Resources |
Samples taken over a 13-metre length graded at 420 grams per tonne (g/t) including three metres grading at a whopping 1,313 g/t. In addition to the high grade silver, associated copper, lead and zinc mineralization is also encouraging, said Mike Labach, investor relations manager.
Results from the Bronco site are part of the company's 5,600-square-kilometre property, about 180 kilometres west of Norman Wells.
Targets for exploration in 2006 were partially based on information recovered from 5,700 stream sediment samples done in the 1970s and '80s, he said.
"The field crews then followed up on the mapping targets and stumbled upon a showing that was significant," he said.
The discovery of high grade silver and other mineralization is exciting, he said. "The easy pickings are usually mined. This is very encouraging," he said.
With the prospect of the Mackenzie Gas Project going through the Sahtu Region and close access to the old North Canal Road, there is potential infrastructure to move the project forward, he said.
The company is hoping to get a number of permits in the future, and "aggressive field-type exploration" is slated for the summer, he said.
No price tag has been set for exploration, but he expects it to be considerable, he said.
The company does plan to hire residents of the Sahtu in the future, although the number of employees needed has yet to be determined, he said.
The main goal for communities close to exploration is always direct employment, but even without direct employment, Norman Wells is still benefiting from exploration, said mayor Peter Guther.
"Exploration companies benefit local grocery stores, local hotels and air and helicopter charter services," he said.
"From a business community perspective, these explorers are very, very welcome."
With more exploration from companies like Eagle Plains, Diamondex Resources, Sanatana Diamonds and Pure Gold Minerals, a lot of spin-off job opportunities can be created, he said.
"These companies help keep our economy going," he added.