J.J. Hobbies to move next month
Stephanie McDonald
Northern News Services
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
YELLOWKNIFE - After 30 years downtown, J.J. Hobbies will make the move to a new location in Stanton Plaza on Old Airport Road in mid-March.

Pet manager Mindy Rushton stands in front of J.J. Hobbies' current location on 49th street, where it has operated for the past 20 years. - Stephanie McDonald/NNSL photo |
The business has spent the past 20 years in the same location on 49th Street, said store manager John Eggenberger.
"It was time to sell the building ... The opportunity was right, and the offer wouldn't come around again," he said.
"It was either move or close."
The need to move the store increased with the popularity of stores like Wal-Mart offering longer hours and greater selection, he added.
When WAM Developments made an offer for the property Eggenberger decided the time was right to sell.
The new location is ideal, said pet manager Mindy Rushton, adding most of the customers don't live downtown and are looking for convenience when shopping.
The store's busiest day is Saturday, when parking downtown can be more difficult to find at its present location.
After the move, J.J. Hobbies will continue to be open from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. most days, but will extend closing until 9 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays.
It will also open on Sundays, something that doesn't currently happen.
The store three full-time and two part-time workers, and Eggenberger anticipates another full-timer will be added after the move.
Eggenberger and Rushton are working to change the image of the store to make it more family-friendly.
"There is new tile and the walls are freshly painted, making it bright and colourful," said Rushton.
Although rent will now have to be paid, Eggenberger anticipates the costs of operation will not change.
"The power bill is atrocious," in the downtown location, he said.
He estimates it could drop by about 66 per cent after the move thanks to increased natural light and the use of more halogen bulbs.
The store will also focus more on pets rather than hobbies.
"Small businesses can't compete with places like Wal-Mart, so they need to supplement their product lines," she said.
"Four feet of games can't compete with 15 feet of games at Wal-Mart.
"You need to be more efficient with the space you do have."
With this in mind, Rushton is expanding the pet product line to include Science Diet pet food.
Beer and wine-making supplies, games, puzzles and knitting supplies will no longer be stocked.
Regular shoppers can rest assured that Buster the dog will be making the move to Stanton Plaza.