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Grinch thief steals guitars

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 03/07) - Christmas cheer ended for Lindsay Boyd last week when he learned his entire collection of guitars had been stolen from his Forrest Drive residence.

"The back door was kicked in and the whole place was just wrecked from what I heard," said Boyd from Edmonton, where he was spending the holidays.

"I don't know an exact (break-in) date; a friend discovered it when they came to check on the place."

Among the items Boyd knows were taken from his home were four guitars worth more than $5,500.

"I'm more than pissed off," he said. "I'm really upset because this stuff is worth a lot of money. I don't know anyone who'd want to do such a thing."

As two of the guitars stolen were somewhat rare, Boyd said he hopes somebody can help him get them back.

"One was an Ibanez K-7," said Boyd. It's a silver seven-string electric guitar worth $3,000.

"It's very distinct and I have the only one in Yellowknife," he said.

A second electric guitar - an Epiphone "Black Beauty" - is distinguished by its all-gold accents and, according to Boyd, is missing the cap covering the truss rod on the instrument's headstock.

The other stolen guitars were a sky-blue Ovation acoustic model and an Epiphone "sunburst" bass guitar.

"There's a crack that runs from the bridge to the bottom of the guitar," Boyd said of the blue acoustic. "You can't miss it."

Yellowknife RCMP have been notified of the break-in and are investigating. In the meantime, Boyd said he hopes a Good Samaritan may have some information that will lead to his guitars' recovery, or that the thief has a change of heart.

"I'd definitely be able to offer a reward for the return of the guitars," said Boyd.

"A small reward for one and a generous reward for the return of all four, or information that leads to the arrest of the person that stole all my stuff."