Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Repulse Bay (Jan 03/07) - Kenny Sivanertok, a rookie skier from Repulse Bay, captured two gold medals at the annual northern region cadet biathlon in Yellowknife earlier in December.
Sivanertok and Rita Uttak had never been on a pair of skis when they went to the event with fellow Repulse cadets Jolene Angotingoar and Trevor (T.J.) Kringayark.

Repulse Bay cadets Jolene Angotingoar, Trevor (T.J.) Kringayark and Kenny Sivanertok, from left, compete at a regional biathlon in Yellowknife in December.- photo courtesy of Jennifer Perry |
Angotingoar and Kringayark both competed in the 2005 biathlon.
The four were accompanied to the event by cadet instructor Jennifer Perry.
3055 Repulse Bay Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps commanding officer Leonie Aissaoui received a full report from Perry before she headed south to spend Christmas with her mom.
Aissaoui says Perry reported that Sivanertok is a natural on skis.
"Jennifer (Perry) told me Kenny had no fear whatsoever and just got on the skis and took off," said Aissaoui with a laugh.
"He impressed so many at the event that he was named as an alternate for the regional team travelling to the national competition in Whitehorse, Yukon, March 10-18.
"The Northern Area headquarters in Yellowknife sent us two pairs of skis so he and Jennifer can continue to practice.
"Even if he doesn't get to the nationals this year, but continues to practice, we'll be looking forward to how he does at the biathlon next year."
Aissaoui says it's difficult for the Repulse cadets to continue skiing once they return from the biathlon.
She says the snow is much harder in Repulse than in the west, and it's difficult to find areas suitable for the cadets to practice on.
"Jennifer tells me skiing on the ice on the bay will be better than no practice at all for Kenny.
"He will, at least, be able to work on his stamina and his technique.
"If nothing else, it should help make him more comfortable using the skis."
Aissaoui says a number of cadets remain interested in the biathlon and are looking forward to their chance at giving it a try.
"There are quite a few who are interested, including a few who are not 12 years old yet.
"We have a number of young cadets in Repulse this year and they're always ready to try just about anything."