Adam Johnson
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jan 19/07) - It has become a familiar refrain for the arts in Yellowknife: another AGM, another near-collapse for a non-profit organization.
This time around, it was RAANT (Recording Artists Association of the Northwest Territories).

Yellowknife singer Kiera Kolson performs at the Bushed Festival last year, one of RAANT's most high-profile events. The festival is on hold for this year, while the society figures out its future. - NNSL file photo |
The organization behind the Bushed Festival, RAANT held its annual general meeting last Thursday night.
The meeting saw vice-president Peter Harding take the helm as president and new member Chaka Rukobo join as secretary, amidst talk of the organization's future.
"Musicians here in the NWT, when they're willing to organize, they can do it," said outgoing president Stephen Pretty, referring to the success of last year's Bushed Festival at the Monkey Tree.
"I'd hate to see the organization die under my watch, but we're only as good as our membership," Pretty said.
At the 2005 AGM, plans were made to create a database of Northern musicians, develop a RAANT Web site, and build ties with Music Industry Canada, as well as run a series of youth workshops. Due to a number of factors, none of these plans were put into play.
With nearly $25,000 in the bank and an unsteady membership, the organization seems unsure of how to move forward.
One gesture that had an impact was Sir John Franklin high school's decision to donate $1,500 to the organization. It prompted former president Steve Smith to suggest the organization be dissolved, and its funds be dispersed as an annual music scholarship for high school students.
"Musicians don't want to organize in this town," he said "I'd rather invest in the youth."
Suzette Montreuil, meanwhile, suggested the money be used to hire a staff member, who could help organize funding and events, and bring the Web site into fruition.
"Paying people is not a dirty thing," she said.
In the end, with a small infusion of new blood from Rukobo and Mike Harrison, members decided to hold another meeting, where the fate of the group would be officially decided by all members.
Despite the dour tone of the meeting, new president Harding said he was positive about the future.
"I'm optimistic that our membership will provide us with a mandate to go forward."
The date of the upcoming meeting had not been released at deadline.