Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Fort Providence (Jan 12/07) - Youth in Fort Providence had a chance to ring in the new year in style with their own dance.
For the first time, youth ages 12 and over had a dance thrown for them on New Year's Eve. Approximately 60 people came to the event that was held in the gym at Deh Gah school, said Joyce Villeneuve, one of the volunteers who helped co-ordinate the party.

Jeannine Minoza, left, Doriann Minoza, Victoria Constant, Rebecca Landry and Marina Sabourin ring in the New Year at the Fort Providence youth dance. - photo courtesy of Shawna McLeod |
"It was exciting for the kids," said Villeneuve.
Going all out, the party included lots of food, a DJ from Yellowknife to spin the music and plenty of prizes. Around 17 businesses donated door prizes which included Ipods and MP3 players. The grand prize was a stereo from the Northern Store.
To prepare for the party, a number of youth helped decorate the gym while parents prepared the food. About 10 chaperons attended the event.
"With their help we were able to do it," said Villeneuve.
Youth were enthusiastic about the dance.
Many dressed up in fancy dresses and suits. There were no blue jeans or T-shirts to be seen, said Theresa Bonnetrouge, the principal at Deh Gah school.
Having a dance was seen as one way to give the youth something to do on New Year's Eve, said Bonnetrouge. When parents came to ask if they could hold the dance in the school gym, Bonnetrouge said she thought it was a good idea.
Usually parents go out leaving their children at home and then they get into mischief, she said. Things were different this year.
"The kids were so tired when the dance was over that they just went home to sleep," said Bonnetrouge.
On alternating years Fort Providence holds a First Night celebration which is an alcohol-free, family-oriented series of events. This year was the "wet" dance where alcohol is available.
Bonnetrouge said she hopes the youth dance will become a yearly event.