Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Repulse Bay (Jan 10/07) - Santa paid an early visit to kids in Repulse Bay again this year, thanks to the ongoing generosity of the Edmonton Lions Club.
The City of Champions group has been helping the youth of Repulse Bay for more than a decade.

Lloyd Siusangnark, Jeffrey Uttak and Wayne Katokra, from left, of Repulse Bay, proudly show the presents they received from the Edmonton Lions Club this past month. - photo courtesy of Leonie Aissaoui |
The Lions Club has been sending Christmas gifts to students at Tusarvik school for the past 14 years, as well as helping out in a number of other areas with overwhelming generosity.
In 2006, the club took its annual Christmas project a step further by sending more than 100 gifts to kids in the community who are still too young to attend school.
School principal Leonie Aissaoui said the Edmonton Lions Club sent more than 350 gifts this past month.
"We contacted our health centre for a list of names of the children in the community who were not yet of school age," said Aissaoui.
"Santa made a special trip to the school on Dec. 19 to deliver presents to students in each class, and the younger kids received their gifts the following week."
A list of the gifts received for the younger kids was posted during the school's Christmas concert to avoid any disappointment.
Parents whose kids were on the list were then able to bring their children to meet Santa and receive their present.
"Unfortunately, we did miss a few kids whose names were not on the list we received from the health centre," said Aissaoui.
"But the vast majority of kids in town did get a gift."
In addition to 14 years of Christmas gift giving, the Edmonton Lions Club has helped fund Tusarvik athletic teams, provided a $1,000 scholarship for a graduate continuing on to post-secondary education, and sent quality used clothing, footwear and hockey equipment.
In 2005, a huge Christmas stocking was sent for the school to raffle off and raise funds.
"We've received so much from these generous people", said Aissaoui.
"Two years ago, when we had our nationally recognized Whalers hockey program, they contacted other Lions clubs and raised about $8,000 for the team.
"This year, they're raising money for the hockey program, as well as our soccer and badminton teams.
"It's hard to put into words how much we appreciate all they've done for us."