Adam Johnson
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Nov 03/06) - From an oasis in a desert of frosty asphalt, sounds ring out across a windswept parking lot. It's the Yellowknife Multiplex, bleeding the sound of excitement from within.

Myles Simba rocks out with Yellowknife hardcore band Story in a Bombshell during an all-ages show at the Multiplex last Friday. - Adam Johnson/NNSL photo |
But this time around, it isn't a hockey game rocking the walls; it's the sound of more than 100 kids having a blast along with a half-dozen noisy, energetic bands for a special all-ages Halloween show last Friday night.
Inside the Multiplex, a basketball court has become a venue, complete with a public address system, amplifiers and sweaty, rocking teenagers. Without any true "stage," a wall of young people protect the band, while circle pits buck and churn behind them. The kids bound, crash, and sometimes try to outdance one another with a reckless, but fun-loving, abandon.
To the side of the throng, a single soundman seems to be holding down the fort, secured by a low wall of overturned fold-up tables.
And he's beaming.
"I think it's great," says organizer/soundman Brian Herbert, as he watches young people jump and thrash to the music. "I don't think you can find much better. The kids are being creative. The kids are enjoying it."
Behind him, four-piece band Story in Bombshell is leaving the stage, all dressed in identical green shirts and sunglasses.
"It was fun," says guitarist Joe Cutten. "We're definitely looking forward to playing more shows in the future.
"It's a great feeling when you know you nailed all your songs. It's the best feeling in the world."
Added guitarist/lead singer Myles Simba: "For those in the free world, rock on."
Herbert says the show had been a long time coming, as previous efforts at venues such as Northern United Place had been cancelled due to concerns about vandalism and noise.
"The city is being really awesome with us. They're trying us out, and it's going really well.
"Everyone in the city complains about kids," he says. "After this, they all go home tired."
Meanwhile, Herbert's son, Colm, was taking the "stage" with other members of his band, Haste; Inhale.
Working around some sound problems, they launched into a wailing cover of Kansas's Dust in the Wind.
"You're destroying a classic!" someone screamed from the back of the room. It was almost drowned out by the laughter and cheering.