Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Nov 24/06) - Only a month after leaving public office, Peter Clarkson finds himself on the front line for the territorial government.
The former mayor of Inuvik was appointed regional director of the Inuvik region for the GNWT's Department of Executive last Wednesday.
Peter Clarkson has been appointed the new regional director for the Department of the Executive. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo |
Some of his new duties include working with other government departments to ensure the Inuvik region's programs and services are consistent with the rest of the territory. He will also communicate issues of concern in the region to the territorial government to help with their planning.
Clarkson moved into his new office in the Mack Travel building last week.
Clarkson said he has been given the task of working on government initiatives and is responsible for attending regional management committee meetings.
"I meet once a month with the committee and also work with executives who visit the region," said Clarkson.
Besides serving two terms as mayor of Inuvik, Clarkson is also a former executive director of the Gwich'in Renewable Resource board and worked as a biologist with the old department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development.
"Mr. Clarkson has lived in Inuvik for 20 years and brings a wealth of community and regional experience to the position," said Secretary to Cabinet Robert McLeod.
The regional director position was last held by Helen Sullivan. Before her term, the position was on an eight year hiatus.
"The regional directors were eliminated as a cost-cutting measure," said McLeod.
Inuvik's director was the first position to be re-established, three years ago.
"The rest of the regional positions are just back in place this year," said McLeod.