Jessica Klinkenberg
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Nov 01/06) - While Halloween was only yesterday, those involved with Operation Christmas Child are asking people to think ahead to the festive season.
The non-profit organization run by Samaritan's Purse is returning to Yellowknife with shoeboxes to be filled with toys and trinkets for boys and girls in South America.

Sharon Houle holds up one of the boxes that Yellowknifers can fill with toys and trinkets for children in South America as part of Operation Christmas Child. - Jessica Klinkenberg/NNSL photo
"The things that are recommended are toys and school supplies and hygiene products," co-ordinator Sharon Houle said of some of the items that can go into the shoebox. "It's also a great idea to put something that's useful for the whole family."
This is Houle's first time co-ordinating Operation Christmas Child, and she's hoping for a good turnout this year.
"Last year we had 415 (participants), but we'd like to do more than that. But it'd be great if we could even meet (415)," Houle said. "It's important because, as a community, this is the time of year where we start thinking about charities and about others who are less fortunate."
She won't be able to rely on assistance from several local schools this year as only Ecole St. Cyr has committed to contribute to the charity.
"The other schools have opted to do something more local," she said.
She explained that any container similar in size to a shoebox could work for Operation Christmas Child, even a Tupperware container.
The amount spent on filling a box depends on the individual, she said.
"The things that I would put in are school supplies, markers," Houle said.
The cut-off date for dropping off boxes is Nov. 13 at the Church of Christ near N.J. Macpherson school.
Houle said that they also accept donations to help with the shipping of the boxes to the South American countries - $7 would be helpful, she noted. One way to donate the money is to put it directly in the box, she noted.