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No need to fall back

Chris Windeyer
Northern News Services

Resolute (Nov 13/06) - When the rest of the country "fell back" Oct. 29, changing their clocks to mark the end of daylight savings time, folks in Resolute just didn't bother.

It wasn't that they forgot. In truth it was just an administrative thing, said Mayor Susan Salluviniq.

Since Resolute is in the Baffin region for government services, it made sense for the community to convert from the Central time zone to the Eastern time zone, which Iqaluit is in.

"We fly to Iqaluit from here for medical or whatever reason and as soon as we take off we have to change our time," Salluviniq said.

Assistant senior administrative officer Ralph Alexander said a hamlet looking to change time zones doesn't need permission from any level of government, but it's a good idea to let the airlines know so they can amend their flight schedules.

"Apparently any community can have any time it wants," Alexander said.

In fact, he recalled a time he worked at a weather station in British Columbia and the entire network across the country was on Atlantic time.

The mayor said she hasn't heard many complaints about the move.

"This is a very small community so everybody pretty well hears about what is happening in a very short time," she said.