Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Oct 06/06) - In Canadian politics, voting "red," "blue," "orange" or "green" has certain political connotations.
But at the Inuvik Youth Centre, kids recently had a chance to vote for the colours themselves; choosing which hue the centre should paint its walls.

Natasha Jacobson, 7, draws a picture using her favourite colour. Like most kids at the Youth Centre, she voted for the centre's walls to be painted green. - Philippe Morin/NNSL photo |
Sarah Earley, assistant director of the centre, said green won by a landslide.
Now, thanks to donated paint and volunteers from the community, the Youth Centre's walls are a smooth 'seafoam green,' which replaces the former orange.
"It's their space, and so we thought we'd let them decide," Earley said.
Plus, she added, the voting process was kind of fun since there was a secret ballot.
In addition to the paint, Earley said there were other repairs.
Matco removed a large arcade machine and air hockey table; the centre's carpets were steam-cleaned; Weitzel's Construction installed new chicken-wire around the centre's base to prevent people crawling under; computer technician Curtis Naphan fixed some computers and a new foosball table was installed.
"It seems more welcoming," Earley said.
Thanks to Roy Furness and Territorial Flooring, she added, the centre only closed for one night while paint was applied.
During that night, Youth Centre director Brook Land-Murphy said the 60 or 70 kids who usually visit the centre had to find something else to do.
Some regulars, like 12-year-old Bonnie Jacobson and Christina Thrasher, 11, said they didn't like the place closing, but like the new paint.
"Green is my favourite colour," Jacobson said.