Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Fort McPherson (Oct 30/06) - Morgan Blake is 15. That's just a little too young to drive a car.
But when he gets older and buys one, he'll already know how to fix it.
That's because Blake works with his father Leslie at LJ's Contracting in Fort McPherson.
On Oct. 15 - as he took a break from working on the hamlet's large tanker trucks, who have tires well over a metre high - Blake said he liked his job.
"I'm kind of a jack of all trades," he said with a laugh, adding he learns a lot of useful skills at the shop.
As winter approaches, Blake said the job is going to get a bit harder.
He said his father's business is also a towing and trucking service, and that it often gets frigid helping people on the side of the highway, when it's40 C.
"Mostly, you just close the garage doors when you're working here," he said, adding that metal tools are always cold on the hands.
Once he graduates high school, he said, he'd like to learn more about auto repair and start doing his work full-time. "I like getting my hands dirty, working on big projects," he said. "Maybe one day I'll take over the business."