Jessica Gray
Northern News Services
Fort Simpson (Oct 27/06) - This Christmas will be one of the most memorable holidays ever for a Fort Simpson resident.
Maria Menicoche was forced to give up her six-month-old daughter at the age of 17.

Maria Menicoche and her 15-year-old daughter Ramona are getting ready to meet Maria's other daughter -- whom Maria hasn't seen in more than 30 years -- this Christmas in B.C. - Jessica Gray/NNSL photo |
Now, more than 30 years later, the family will be reunited as Maria, along with her other daughter, 15-year-old daughter Ramona, will finally see the child she gave up face-to-face.
Menicoche said her daughter, Sabrina Collie, now 32, was taken away because of baby sitters who were unfit.
Menicoche said she had to have someone take care of Collie while she was at work.
"I have a lot of regrets," said Menicoche.
After getting her daughter back, Collie was once again taken away because of her caregivers.
"They weren't doing a good job," she said.
Menicoche said she fought for two years to get her daughter back to no avail.
Collie was eventually adopted by the family which ran the Northern Store in Fort Simpson at the time.
The family moved to Hay River and then settled in Kelowna, B.C., where Collie still resides.
Menicoche said she received a call from Collie more than 10 years ago.
Collie asked why Menicoche had given her up, and after explaining, Menicoche said she hadn't heard from Collie again until last year.
"She asked if she could call me Mom," said Menicoche, talking about the new relationship Collie wanted to develop with her birth mother.
Menicoche and Ramona are flying to Edmonton and then meeting with Collie thanks to free plane tickets she won at the Run for Our Lives event in September.
Ramona said she is excited to meet her half-sister. "It's because we'll get to bond (as sisters)," said the 15-year-old.