David Ryan
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 25/06) - One of oldest businesses in the city, Weaver and Devore Trading Ltd. has been operating since 1936.
The store has also been part of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce for decades, said co-owner Ken Weaver.

President: Jim Eirikson, NWT2000
Second vice-president: Greg Pearson, NorthwesTel
Directors: Ken Smith, De Beers Canada; C.J. (Chris) Seggewiss, Royal Bank of Canada; John Liv Jaque, CasCom Communications; Rober Byers, Extra Foods Old Airport Road; Dan Kane, Canadian North.
Nominations can also be made on the floor during the election process.
The Yellowknife Chamber is open to all comers, though size will dictate member dues. Here's what it costs to be a member:
1 to 5 employees - $185.50
6 to 10 employees - $344.50
11 to 20 employees - $583
21 to 50 employees - $795
Over 50 employees - $1,590
Government rate - $500
Chamber benefits include:
Group insurance plan
- Visa and MasterCard merchant discounts
- Esso fleet discount, with a 3 per cent discount on fuel, car washes and top-up oil purchased on Esso Fleet Credit Card
- business directory listing
- committee involvement opportunities
- a variety of business prospects, promotions, workshops and seminars.
Diamond anniversary celebrations for the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce will be held Friday at the Explorer Hotel. Events will include business presentations, the annual general meeting, an awards banquet, meals and entertainment.
Yk Chamber highlights
1946 - Yellowknife Board of Trade incorporated. Gerry D. Murphy named president.
1950s - Ongoing discussion with federal minister of mining and resources for developing Yellowknife roads.
1956 - Great Slave Lake Railway Extension briefing submitted to Royal Commission.
1961 - Campaign for Yellowknife to be named capital of the NWT begins.
1967 - Board of Trade lobbies successfully for Yellowknife to become capital.
1970s - Board of Trade first organizes a number of management courses for local business leaders.
1973 - Board of Trade renamed the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce; First Raven Mad Days organized by the Chamber in August.
1981 - Chamber office becomes full-time operation with one paid, full-time secretary/manager.
1989 - Chamber staff grows to two full-timers.
1996 - 50th anniversary celebrations.
2006 - Diamond anniversary celebrations.BYLINE:
Few businesses can say they pre-date the Chamber of Commerce, but Weaver and Devore Trading can.
Now in its 70th year, the family-run business has operated since 1936 and has been a member of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce - and Board of Trade before that - through two generations, said co-owner Ken Weaver.
"The Chamber has been proactive with business," he said. "They have also promoted for people to buy North."
Before Ken Weaver and his brothers David and Bud took over the family firm, their father was also a member of the Yk Chamber of Commerce.
The business still offers a variety of services to expediting companies and sells similar retail products as in the past, but the store has grown, said co-owner Bud Weaver.
"I would say that we have changed with the times for sure," he said.
Bud Weaver remembers only being open five days a week. With larger stores coming to Yellowknife, that is now a memory of the past.
While business is changing constantly, Bud Weaver and his brothers are careful to appreciate and observe some of the past's traditions at the same time.
"Things have changed, but we're not open seven days a week," he said.
Weaver and Devore now operates six days a week with a staff of 12-20 depending on the season.