Arviat choir performs in the U.S.
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Arviat (Oct 25/06) - The Arviat Imngitingit singing group travelled to Santa Fe, New Mexico, for a special performance this past week.
The group made the trip to help the Institute of American Indian Arts (a college and museum) open a Nunavut art exhibit.

Music teacher Jeff Vanden Scott accompanied six members of the Arviat Imngitingit to Santa Fe, New Mexico, this past week to perform at the Institute of American Indian Arts. - photo courtesy of Gord Billard
A total of six performers, ranging in age from 16 to 24, went with music teacher and choir director Jeff Vanden Scott for the event.
The performers who made the trip were Karen Panigoniak, Gara Mangark, Pamela Arualak, Angela Mugyungnik, Katelyn Sulurayok and Caroline Angalik.
Vanden Scott said the trip began when a call came for applications from cultural groups to be part of the exhibit opening.
"We answered the call and were fortunate enough to be selected to go," said Vanden Scott.
"Four of the six singers who went to Santa Fe also performed at the 2006 Arctic Winter Games in Alaska as cultural delegates for Nunavut."
Vanden Scott said the students were excited to the point of disbelief when they learned they had been accepted.
They didn't have long to dwell on the idea, however, as they received the news just 10 days before their departure.
The group began by performing at a special exhibit opening for the museum's board and members on Oct. 19, before entertaining a group of dignitaries on Oct. 20.
The dignitaries included Nunavut Premier Paul Okalik and aboriginal leaders from the Santa Fe area.
On Oct. 21, Arviat Imngitingit performed twice for the exhibit's grand opening to the public.
The group performed ayaya, throatsinging and drum dancing, demonstrated Inuit games and told traditional stories. They were scheduled to return to Arviat on Oct. 23.
Vanden Scott said the Santa Fe trip was the first stop in what promises to be a busy year for the group.
"We're going to be performing at the Canada Winter Games in Whitehorse in February of 2007, and we will also be performing at the 500 Festival in Newfoundland this coming summer.
"So, this was the first of three major events for our choir, which makes for a pretty exciting year for us."