Here's to you, Mrs. Kitekudlak
Philippe Morin
Northern News Services
Holman (Oct 16/06) - Helen Kitekudlak is a friend of many people in Ulukhaktok.
She's worked at Helen Kavlak school since 1971, and has taught hundreds of students from Kindergarten to Grade 10.

Helen Kitekudlak has been teaching at Helen Kavlak school since 1971. - Philippe Morin/NNSL photo |
But while many people know her as a teacher, not everyone knows the tragedy that has marked her life - or how she helped change Helek Kavlak school.
Kitekudlak said her daughter Krista committed suicide when she was eighteen, after leaving home to live in Paulatuk.
This tragic event impelled Kitekudlak to think about the school, and how its students faced a difficult choice: Either stay with their families and drop out, or stay in school, but move to another town.
Kitekudlak said she campaigned for Helen Kavlak school to expand its services beyond Grade 6, and keep students all the way to Grade 12.
Now, thanks to her efforts, Helen Kavlak is a full secondary school, whose first Grade 12 students graduated in 2003.
This means fewer families are broken up and more students are getting their degrees, she said.
"The success rate was really low before, because students were really homesick when they left," Kitekudlak said.
"But now, not only are the kids continuing their education, some who dropped out are coming back. They are making a commitment to see it through."