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NNSL Photo/graphic

Julie Paniyuk of Rankin Inlet tries to take the lead during the breaststroke competition at the 2006 Kivalliq Junior Swim Meet in Rankin this past month. - Darrell Greer/NNSL photo

Making a splash

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Sep 06/06) - The 2006 Kivalliq Junior Swim Meet featured 12 athletes from Rankin Inlet and Baker Lake.

The event was held in Rankin Aug. 26-27 for male and female swimmers in the age groups of 12 to 14 and 11 years and younger.

The youth competed in the freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and underwater-swim events.

The Rankin team featured Sam Adams, Tristan Dias, Lisa Tatty, Julie Paniyuk, Butch Sigurdson, Hunter Nakoolak, Molly Aggark and Adrian Angidlik. Tyler Pudnak, Aputi Aupaluktuq, Jay Uqayuittuq and Brittany Uqayuittuq represented Baker at the meet.

A winning team is not named at the meet, only the top male and female swimmers.

Jay Uqayuittuq of Baker and Julie Paniyuk of Rankin were named this year's top competitors.

Lifeguard Matthew Fong said having only two hamlets compete didn't dampen spirits at the event.

He said organizers have been trying to get away from the community-versus-community focus of the past.

"The kids started off in community mode, but, as they went through the competition, those barriers broke down and they were just 12 kids having a great time swimming," said Fong.

"They were all friends after they got to know each other on the first day.

"Then they cheered for everyone to do well."

Fong returned to the south this past week, but hopes to come back to Rankin during the summer of 2007.

He said the pool, which accommodates 50 kids, operated at full capacity for about half the summer.

"Renting the pool by the hour was quite popular in Rankin for family gatherings this summer.

"The vast majority of our Saturday and Sunday bookings were taken weeks in advance.

"We actually doubled our revenues at the pool this season, and all that money goes right back into the community through recreation programs."