Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Fort Smith (Aug 21/06) - A new project began this summer in Fort Smith to help young people develop their potential.
The project - named Youth With Potential - combines work in the community with personal growth and development, explained co-ordinator Juneva Green.

Donalyn Benwell works in a garden at Fort Smith's Mission Park in late July. She's one of the young people taking part in Youth With Potential project. - photo courtesy of Youth With Potential |
It is aimed at young people who have dropped out of school and have been unable to find full-time employment.
"The expectation is, at the end of the project, some of them will be able to find employment or go back to school," Green said.
The participants are taught things like how to take responsibility for a project, how to follow through on something they start and how to work.
"There is a lot of potential there," Green said. "They just have to realize they have those special skills."
The project, which began June 5 and runs to March 7, has a dozen participants aged 16 to 24.
It includes community work, such as helping to erect playground equipment, planting a garden, beautifying a cemetery and organizing a youth dance.
Plus, there are workshops on topics like computers, healthy lifestyles and resume writing.
The young people were also given a sample of trades offered at Aurora College.
One participant, 16-year-old Chasity Desjarlais, said she is benefitting from Youth With Potential.
"It's been a life experience," she said, adding she is learning many new things.
Donalyn Benwell, 19, is also enjoying the opportunity.
"It's been fabulous," she said.
In particular, Benwell said the trades experience at Aurora College has encouraged her to consider a career in cooking.
Both teenagers said after the project is completed, they plan to go back to school for upgrading.
The young people participate five days a week for six hours each day, and are paid $8.25 an hour.
Youth With Potential is funded by $350,000 from Service Canada's skills development strategy.
The project, which runs out of the Fort Smith rec centre, is also supported with in-kind contributions from the Town of Fort Smith, Aurora College, private businesses and the territorial government.
Green wrote the project proposal and came up with the name.
She said there are other Service Canada projects to help youth across Canada, but she is not sure if there is anything exactly like Youth With Potential elsewhere in the country.