Emily Watkins
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Aug 14/06) - Perennials, pumpkins and pretty places, Yellowknife is bursting in bloom. For some of the city's most passionate gardeners, that means prizes, too.

Cheryl Voytilla peeks through two birch trees in her lovely back garden. She won best overall garden in bloom in Yellowknife. - Emily Watkins/NNSL photo
Bloomin' winners
Best Commercial in Bloom: Adam Dental Clinic;
Balconies in Bloom: Christy Campbell;
Best Vegetables and Greenhouse in Bloom: Ron Messier;
Best Residential in Bloom: Sheryl Babbig and Susan Karasevich;
Best Overall Lawn: Robin Greig; and,
Overall Garden in Bloom: Cheryl Voytilla.
The winners of four categories in the city's 2006 Gardening and Lawn and Landscape contest are about to take home plaques presented by the city and $50 gift certificates to Arctic Farmer.
"It's a contest that's about presentation, diversity and keeping Yellowknife beautiful," said Mary Beth Squirrell, organizer of the contest with the Community Services Department.
Squirrell says that they were judged on originality, colour, symmetry, health and presentation.
Cheryl Voytilla who won the prize for best garden, said she always works hard on her garden, yet this is the first year that she entered the contest.
"I had no idea that I'd win, but the timing was right," said Voytilla. "I didn't know who else had entered, so I didn't know what chance I'd have."
Voytilla said she was pleased to win and that she'll definitely spend her $50 gift certificate at Arctic Farmer wisely to get something wonderful for next spring.
Her garden fills three tiers in the front, and cascades down the back slope, around a waterfall, and wood walkway.
In front, Voytilla planted dozens of different coloured perennial flowers, that are an "experiment" this year, to see how they will do.
She also has a garden with vegetables, a pumpkin patch - of which is her husband's pride and joy and "he waters them more than anything else."
"My favourite is the flowering raspberries," said Voytilla.
The raspberry bushes are also laden with large red berries.
A perennial winner, Adam Dental Clinic has a long line of plaques on the wall, showing the fact it has won commercial honours in the contest for many years.
When a two-year renovation updated the building inside and out, Krista Sansom, the clinic's administrator, said the pressure was on by Dr. Adam to get the flowers blooming.
"We did a complete overhaul of the garden," said Sansom. "We replaced the wood flower boxes with these stunning stone (ones)."
The front, corner and side of the building is surrounded by colourful bursts of different types of flowers, and birch trees.
"There's even a big huge bed of white flowers around the back of the building," said Sansom.
"And the staff are the ones who get to appreciate it."
The display is punctuated with baskets hung from the building.
"Dr. Adam is hugely community minded, and is always really flattered when we win," said Sansom.