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Making a skate video

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Aug 11/06) - Brandon Larocque is venturing into uncharted waters with his newest video project.

"This is going to be my first skateboarding production," said Larocque.

He has played around with cameras before, but had never focused his footage towards the skatepark before this endeavour.

"I just come out and shoot anybody out skating on that day," explained Larocque.

A large number of skateboarders who use the park have already been captured by Larocque's camera, which uses mini-DVD for recording.

"I take the mini-DVDs and transfer them to a regular disc, then edit the footage on my computer," said Larocque.

The name for his first production is 'Stumped'. Larocque laughed and said there was no reason for the name.

He got interested in filmmaking by watching other skate videos with friends.

"I'm interested in all of it, from filming to editing," said the 14-year-old cameraman.

"I also like taking photos of the skaters."

His small DVD camcorder also takes snapshots.

Cameron Sas is one of the skaters who will be featured on the upcoming movie.

Sas said he started skateboarding last year, and just recently got a new board to thrash with this summer.

"June 25 was my birthday, and that's when my season started too," said Sas.

Sas said he uses his skateboard to travel around town. It serves a double purpose, not just for tricks at the park.

Sas was one of the first skaters on board for the new video, which was brainstormed one day while hanging out with Larocque.

"We were just hanging out, when we decided to make our own skate team," explained Sas.

"This video is also helping to develop my skills," said Sas.

Jordan Maring is another star of the video. He has been skating for the past three years.

"Right now, I'm working on doing some varial tricks," said Maring.

Maring explained that a varial is a cross between a kickflip and a spinning flip trick.

Maring, who favours the brand 'Zero', wants to see more development in the skatepark soon.

"They should re-paint it all one colour, I don't like some of this graffiti," he said.

His last board lasted a year, and he recollects going through four others before his latest skateboard.

All of Maring's new gear comes from the south, which he picks up whenever he can.