David Ryan
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Aug 07/06) - Change, as they say, is the only constant especially in the North.
One business that has been consistently reacting to changes for the last 20 years is Inuvik's True Value.
The summer months are an important time for the business, which primarily sells lumber and other construction materials as well as groceries, said co-owner Joe Lavoie.

Joe Lavoie, co-owner of True Value in Inuvik, rests a foot on some lumber ready to be bought by some of the many contractors active in the area. - David Ryan/NNSL photo
"We try to be as ready as possible," he said.
"It's our make-or-break season."
The store enjoys more than half of its lumber sales from mid-June to August.
With such a short building season, True Value needs to have the supplies available to its customers are after, said Lavoie.
True Value strives to provide the customer with appropriate materials, but customers must always be ready to compromise, he said.
"The customer, the end user, sometimes needs to able to compromise and make adjustments," said Lavoie.
Being flexible is one reason the store has had continued success.
In the late 1980s, there was a much more extensive line of groceries, said Lavoie.
Back then the company acted as a distributor of supplies to convenience stores, but through the '90s, it shifted gears and began selling more lumber and fewer food stuffs.
With the potential Mackenzie Gas Project looming in the not so distant future, True Value and Lavoie are looking ahead.
"There will be a lot of jobs, not just out on the pipeline," said Lavoie.
"The contractors will be on a building spree."
While the pipeline promises jobs, Lavoie said that it will be a future challenge to retain quality staff for his firm.
"We feel we can offer an element towards a stable lifestyle," he said.
"Not everyone wants to be working 12- or 16-hour days."
True Value is able to offer flexible, yet steady hours. The business also provides affordable staff rental accommodations, which Lavoie said is a big plus in the North.
One staff member who enjoys her work at the store is Doreen Raddi.
"I've worked a variety of different jobs, throughout the store," she said.
She's worked as a cashier as well as in the paint and key departments.
With employees willing to meet new challenges as they arrive, Lavoie is confident that True Value will continue to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape of the town.