Mysterious "missile"
Philippe Morin and
Emily Watkins
Northern News Services
Phil Murray, a local heavy-machinery mechanic with a bachelor's degree in science, photographed the object after being roused out of bed by a friend.
"A buddy phoned me and said 'you like taking photos of freaky stuff, check this out,'" he says. Murray says he's confident the object was not a model rocket or stray firework. "I followed it for a good 20 minutes - a kid's rocket would have been gone within seconds." As it turns out, Yellowknife boys may very well be the source of this mysterious flying missile. Steve Loutitt, acting manager of airport at Transport Canada, and several other managers sat down and looked at the photos Murray took. Loutitt says that they believe the object in the photos is the result of a Boy Scout outing. "Myself and one of the other managers out here looked over the photos and they appear to be the rockets that the Boy Scouts were deploying at the sandpits," Loutitt says. The Boy Scouts were shooting them around June 14 and 15 and Loutitt says that they were aware of the exercises as the group was in contact with the air traffic control during this endeavour to ensure safety.