Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Inuvik (July 28/06) - The Health and Social Services office in Inuvik wants to remind students heading South to fill out the proper forms so they won't see their health care terminated.
"It is a quick and easy process, and is necessary for anyone leaving the territories for more than six months," said Donna Manuel.

Health Services manager Donna Manuel watches as Elizabeth de Klerk fills out some forms for her health care coverage. Any students who are going south in the fall need to fill out temporary leave forms to ensure there are no breaks in their health coverage. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo
Manuel is the manager of the health services office in Inuvik and wants to spread the word to post secondary students.
The process ensures that your health care services remain valid and confirms you are still a resident of the territories.
"We have had many requests for information about the temporary leave of absence," said Manuel.
Although the main target of the program is students, the form should be filled out by anyone leaving for a long period of time.
"Business, medical or education, they all need to make sure we know where they are," said Manuel.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to register for health care in another province, said Manuel.
University student Elizabeth de Klerk has been attending classes in Victoria, B.C. for the past year and also works at the health services office as a summer student.
"I had filled out my forms for last year and am in the process of doing them for this year," explained de Klerk.
The forms need to be re-submitted every year.
De Klerk heard about the process from her older brother, who was also working in the office last year.
"I wanted to make sure I was ready and had all the proper information," said de Klerk.
For the past few weeks, de Klerk has been working in the office doing registrations and other filing.
"I've seen some forms by students who are going south and it's good that they filled them out already," said de Klerk.
The process is nothing new for another student back home for the summer. Tamara Hansen said filling out the forms made her life easier.
"I have asthma, which made visits to the hospital happen on a regular basis," said Hansen.
Prescriptions and other forms were handled with ease since she had already ensured her health care coverage. "This is my second year of college in Edmonton," said Hansen.
She said the whole process was quick and easy.
"I had the forms, filled them out and faxed them away," said Hansen.
"I had no idea I had to do this, so it's important to get the word out to people early."
Dwayne Drescher is a student who is about to leave the nest for the first time.
The 18-year-old plans on leaving Inuvik in late August to attend English and Biology classes at the University of Saskatchewan.
"I haven't filled out the forms yet, but am in the process of getting them done soon," said Drescher.