An idea, the plan and then...
Jason Unrau
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (July 21/06) - The $13 million idea to transform the Frame Lake area at City Hall inched forward Monday when the Municipal Services Committee adopted "for information" the Somba K'e Civic Area Master Plan.
However, many questions remain about what a renovated civic area will look like.
The plan, which includes a plaza, new playground, amphitheatre and possibly a new library, raised some concerns from councillors.
"How did the library grow into a gallery as well?" asked Coun. Alan Woytuik who referred to a 2001 study that advised against combining the library with other services. "And how much space is being proposed for this art centre?"
According to Grant White, director of Community Services for the city, it was one of the top five public requirements stemming from the Fieldhouse portion of public consultations.
As well, Coun. Doug Witty wants to ensure accessibility to the lake for larger vehicles; a necessity for events such as the Caribou Carnival.
The issue of dedicated parking versus with convertible "market areas" was also important for Coun. Dave McCann.
Mayor Gord Van Tighem said that $250,000 would be carried over from the 2006 planning budget and added to the $1 million already earmarked for 2007.
The project is expected to be completed in three phases, with the plaza and new parking construction slated for 2007. Construction of the amphitheatre and renovations to the current Somba K'e park are to take place in 2008. The library construction would take place at an undetermined date.
According to Mayor Gord Van Tighem, adopting the plan as information does not commit the city to a final budget, plan or timeline.