Jessica Gray
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (July 19/06) - The city's acting fire Chief has pleaded not guilty to charges related to the deaths of two firefighters in March 2005.
Similar charges filed this past March by the Workers' Compensation Board against the former chief have been stayed.

Darcy Hernblad, now acting fire chief, raises a flag in front of the fire hall in March 2005, scene of a memorial to firefighters Cyril Fyfe and Kevin Olson. Hernblad has pleaded not guilty to charges laid in connection to their deaths. - NNSL file photo
Meanwhile, the City has asked for more time to deal with two charges it faces in connection with the March 17, 2005 deaths of Cyril Fyfe and Kevin Olson.
Charges against former chief Mick Beauchamp were stayed on July 11. He officially retired from the fire department on Friday after spending the previous four months on leave.
Dave Grundy, NWT and Nunavut Workers Compensation Board (WCB) spokesperson, said he could not comment on the reason the charges were stayed because it is up to Crown counsel.
John Cliffe, the attorney responsible for the case, could not be reached by deadline.
Beauchamp was originally charged with failing to take all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of his employees and failing to provide proper training.
The city has just started advertising nationally this week for a new fire chief. "We couldn't advertise while we still had a chief, and even with Mick on leave, he's still the chief until he retired," said Mayor God Van Tighem.
Friday was also the day Darcy Hernblad, the acting fire chief, entered a not guilty plea to the same charges Beauchamp faced.
Hernblad was not present in court and he declined to comment on the reason he pleaded not guilty or why the charges against Beauchamp were dropped.
Hernblad did confirm he is still acting chief. He is scheduled to return to court July 25.
The City, scheduled for court the same day, did not enter a plea. Lawyers representing the City said they needed more time to go over recent information they received about the case, said Van Tighem.
The City has five of the 12 safety orders handed down by the WCB last February to complete.
"They've all been set up with timelines and implementation plans," said Van Tighem.
One order calls for the re-certification of Hernblad. The City will return to court Aug. 15.