Terry Kruger
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Jun 09/06) - From award-winning poets to top athletes, Sir John Franklin high school celebrated student success Monday night.
It was the school's annual awards night, attracting hundreds of parents, students and teachers.

Angela Gzowski is the 2006 winner of the Don Cardinal Rotary Art Scholarship. She was one of six Sir John Franklin students who competed for the $1,000 scholarship.

Drama students ham it up after receiving their statuettes during the Sir John Franklin high school awards ceremony, Monday. Giving senior drama student Stephen Kruger a pair of trophy horns are Tiffany Ayalik, left, winner of the dance choreography award, and Brad Hussey, who received special recognition for his contribution.
- Terry Kruger/NNSL photos
The evening included a performance by the school choir and speeches praising students for all their hard work.
Principal Meike Cameron said students continue to set new academic marks, with a pair of students - Muna Shublak and Tyler Heale - scoring averages near 98 per cent.
The evening event followed up on a daytime school ceremony.
Including presentations at the school's grad ceremony, Cameron said more than 400 awards and certificates have been presented to students.
Award winners are:
Contribution awards: Amy McCallum, AFS exchange; Jill Gilday, recycling; Katie Heine, Rebecca Kornichuck, Jessica Hopkins, yearbook.
Student service awards were presented during the afternoon to: Alice Ruttan, outstanding commitment to completion of a high school diploma; Justin Charlebois, outstanding commitment to studies over four years; and, Nic Hughson, outstanding commitment to work experience program.
Technical Arts
Laura Corduneanu, computer science; Krystal Shaben, Ashley Green, Tera Swan, film studies scholarship; Ian MacDougall, Western Arctic Motion Pictures award.
Practical arts
Kyle Tremblay, Bret Jenkins, food studies; Micah Stang, Alisa Ronsko, Foods 9; Nicole Bonnell, tourism; Inna Chubko, legal studies; Hazem Shoblak, sheet metal/welding; Carlos Gonzalez, Kingland Ford; Jonathan Paul, small engines; Brett Properzi, aviation; Benjamin Huntus, welding; Mathew Whiteford, woodworking 9; and Brett Properzi, woodworking.
Fine arts
Nick Geggie-Hurst, Art 9; Mariuca Diaconu, Art 10; Amanda Gillander, Art 11; Catherine Graydon, Art 20; Jessica Fournier, Laura Swanson and Angela Gzowski, Rotary Art Scholarship.
Outstanding contribution to art: Jessica Fournier, Laura Swanson, Angela Gzowski, Brooke Dixon, Kendra Hiebert, Kaitlin Fabien, Aislinn Stirling, Laura MacNeill, Caitlin Pitre, Brittney Norris and Carina Sartor-Pielak.
Music: Allyssa Martin, Danielle Pontus and Kate Jefferson, contribution to the music program; achievement in guitar: Michael McCormick; Gerald Koopman, most improved music student.
Drama: Caitlin Pitre, leadership; Jonathon Soderberg, Kendra McGreish, junior drama; Tim Edwards, Stephen Kruger, Stefanie Miklosovic, senior drama; Brad Hussey, special recognition; Laura MacNeill, Tiffany Ayalik, dance choreography; Patrick Peers, Samantha Hicks, drama technologies; Kelsey Miller, costume.
Caleb Harrison won the Fine Arts Award.
Poetry contest: Grade 9 - Tasha Price, first; Sara Irvine, second, Sarah McInnis, third; Grade 10 - Aaron Callas; Grade 11 - Mellissa Weaver.
Language arts: Jill Allain, Grade 9; Amanda Gillander, Grade 10; Katie Heine, Grade 11; Leila Hurst, Grade 12 and Humanities Award.
Core French: Micah Stang, Grade 9; Jessica Hopkins, Phillip Oel, Grade 10; Kira Hall, French 20; and Sean O'Connell, Katie Heine, French 30.
French language arts: Nimisha Bastedo, Jill Allain, Grade 9; Rob Heimbach, Grade 10; Muna Shoblak, Jaya Bastedo, French LA 20; Alexandra Cracknell, Danielle Pontus; French LA 30.
French Social Studies 20: Jessi Casebeer, Jennifer Waugh, Stephanie Miklosovic; French Social Studies 30, Leila Hurst; Biologie 30, Muna Shoblak; Chimie 30, Abigail Alty; and Physique 20, Hazem Shoblak.
The Lilly Oldham award for Grade 12 French immersion went to Alexandrea Malakoe.
Micah Stang, Grade 9; Marisa Doig, Grade 10; Shawn Greig, Grade 11; and Stephane Pontus, Math 30 scholarship.
Micah Stang, Tyler Heale, Grade 9 Math/Science; Katie Heine, Biology 30; Danielle Pontus, Physics 20/30 and Chemistry 30.
Social studies: Tyler Heale, Grade 9, Jessica Hopkins, Grade 10; Sarah Gillis SS 13; Katie Heine, SS 20; Richy Puv, SS 23; Jamie Ross, SS 30; and, Shawn Greig, Northern Studies.
Physical education
Athletes of the year: David MacDonald, Chelsea Comeau, Grade 9; Emmanuel Ramos, Kaitlin Thomson, Grade 10; Eric Aitken, Jennifer Waugh, Grade 11; Josh Outhwaite, Jazzan Braden, Grade 12.
Tom Hunt Memorial award for volleyball went to Josh Outhwaite and Laura Swanson.
Sam Kennedy and Jordan Thomson won the Athletic Spirit Award and Jazzan Braden was this year's recipient of the Lanky Muyres Memorial Award.