Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Jun 09/06) - The Inuvik RCMP detachment confiscated nearly three pounds of pot recently, with two-thirds of that being turned in by community members.
On May 28, a construction crew working near the town limits found a large container which had 1.5 kilograms of marijuana inside.

About 1.5 kilograms of marijuana was found in a large metal container near Inuvik last week by a construction crew. This only represents one-third of the drugs turned in to RCMP officers in nine days. The pot had apparently been left in hiding for some time, as it was moldy throughout. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo
An RCMP press release stated that the marijuana appeared to have been stored for some time.
"Mold could be found throughout the marijuana," police said.
No charges have been laid to date regarding the stash, which amounts to approximately two and a half pounds.
Police say the street value of the marijuana was $18,000 before it was damaged by mold.
Then the RCMP made their own bust on June 5.
As a result of a search warrant, 135 grams of marijuana was found at a Ruyant Crescent residence.
The street value of the pot is approximately $2,500. Clifford Shattler was arrested and is being charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking.
He will appear in court on Aug. 8 to answer to the charges.