Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Hay River (Jun 05/06) - Metis in Hay River have a new leader.
Vern Jones was elected president of the Hay River Metis Council at the organization's annual general meeting on May 28.

Vern Jones is the new president of the Hay River Metis Council.
"I'm looking forward to working with the membership," Jones says.
The new president has been elected to a two-year term in the volunteer position.
It will be the first time he will serve on the executive of the Hay River Metis Council.
However, he says his experience in Metis politics goes back more than 30 years, including serving as president and vice-president of councils in northern Alberta.
Jones says before commenting on his goals for the council, he will take a couple of weeks to familiarize himself with the issues and the needs of the membership.
"I'm just looking forward to the challenges and the opportunities," he says.
Jones is the executive director of Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre, a position he has held for six years.
He also represents the NWT on the National Association of Friendship Centres.
His connection with the friendship centre movement goes back to 1975, when he was hired as executive director of a friendship centre in Peace River, Alta., when he was just 20-years-old.
The new president was elected in a two-way race with Faye Johns. She was vice-president on the outgoing council and maintains that position on the new council.
Danny Beck, the former president, did not seek re-election.
Frederick Beaulieu returns as secretary-treasurer.
The board of directors consists of Dustin Froehlich and Elsie Bouvier, both returning from the previous board, and newcomers Gladys Bloomstrand, Connie Belanger and Greg Whitlock.