Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Hay River (Jun 05/06) - Hay River town council has some new suggestions on how to spend the community's $1.9 million share of the territorial government's Community Capacity Building Fund.

Garth Mackie, seen pushing his six-year-old daughter Jeana on a swing at Hay River beach, thinks it's a good idea to upgrade the town's playgrounds. - Paul Bickford/NNSL photo
At its May 29 meeting, council passed a motion on how it would like to see the money divided, including $1.131 million for a new fire hall, $250,000 for a new roof on the curling rink, $225,000 for playground improvements, $109,000 for revamping the arena's lobby and concession area, $100,000 to a consultant for a proposed trades training facility, $35,000 to paint the wall of the curling rink/swimming pool, and $20,000 for building materials for the Hay River Soup Kitchen.
"That is something, personally, I could live with," said Coun. Dean McMeekin.
Mayor Diana Ehman noted the numbers aren't firm, since town council, West Point First Nation (WPFN) and the Hay River Metis Council would all have to agree on the projects.
Stall tactic
A tabled motion by Coun. Vince McKay from May 8 that would have seen all the money go towards a new fire hall was withdrawn, and he proposed the new motion.
McKay explained the earlier motion was designed to delay a planned May 15 meeting with WPFN, the Metis and the town's two MLAs, because town council wasn't ready with its ideas.
"The original motion was put forward to stall the process," he said, explaining a meeting could not be held while the motion was on the table.
McKay said it would not be possible for all the money to go towards a new fire hall.
The councillor said the new list of projects is the result of an informal meeting of councillors to refine an earlier list. The new list contains many of the same projects and adds a few, and the funding levels have been adjusted.
Hay River parent Garth Mackie agrees with town council's proposal to spend some of the fund on upgrading playgrounds.
"I think it's great they want to put money into playgrounds," Mackie said.
However, he thinks the playground improvements should be done with an eye on tourism. "Something that is going to help bring people to town."
Laura Rose, president of the Hay River Soup Kitchen, is pleased the organization has made the new list with a suggested allocation of $20,000.
Rose understands that the town proposals are just that - proposals.
"I'm not going to count my chickens yet," she said, although she feels "relatively confident" that all three parties will agree to help the Soup Kitchen.
Rose said the money would help build a badly-needed extension for the Soup Kitchen.
Vern Jones, the newly-elected president of the Hay River Metis Council, said the organization still has to determine what it would like to see as spending priorities for the $1.9 million.
West Point Chief Karen Felker was out of town last week and unavailable for comment.
Councillors still have to prioritize the projects.
They gave themselves until the June 12 meeting to e-mail town administration with their priorities. Administration will create one list based on councillors' preferences.
Coun. Robert Bouchard said the fire hall is his number one priority, followed by playgrounds.
After June 12, a meeting will be set up with the MLAs, the Metis and WPFN.
The GNWT established the $35 million fund to be shared by all communities with money from the federal government's Northern Strategy.