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Liidlii Kue re-elects chief

Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services

Fort Simpson (Jun 26/06) - Voters with the Liidlii Kue First Nation returned their chief to office but weren't as kind when it came to band council.

Keyna Norwegian was re-elected chief in Fort Simpson June 15. She received 118 votes, followed by 94 for Ernest Cazon and 75 for Jonas Antoine.
Elected councillors

(r)= returning

  • Rita Cli- 184
  • Betty Hardisty- 153
  • Courtney Squirrel- 152
  • Steve Jose- 150
  • Cheryl Cli- 142
  • Loyal Letcher- 138 (r)
  • Hazel Isiah-Tanche- 132 (r)
  • William Michaud- 131

  • While Norwegian will serve a second term as chief, only two of the elected councillors were on the previous council.

    Norwegian said she's heard some concerns about the fact that five of the councillors are related to the Cli family, but she is confident they are capable of being able to sit at the table and not take advantage of that fact.

    "I'm very excited about the council," she said.

    Norwegian said she is also happy that Courtney Squirrel, a youth, has been elected. She cannot remember having a youth on council previously.

    In the short term, Norwegian said she will be meeting with the councillors to hear why they got involved and what their immediate concerns are.

    From her first term, Norwegian said she wants to continue organizing LKFN to control and take over much of the social programming to meet the needs of the band members.

    "My goal is to create a First Nation where we are in control of our programs," she said.

    This control will be needed to face the effects of future development. It will also be part of the preparation for self government, Norwegian said.