Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Fort Smith (Jun 19/06) - A time capsule was buried in the front yard of a Fort Smith home on June 11.
It was the idea of Rick James, who took advantage of the fact that his Partridge Avenue yard was undergoing landscaping work and the grass was already ripped up.

As friends and family look on, Rick James, left, buries a time capsule in the front yard of his Fort Smith home on June 11 with the help of Dallas Campbell. - photo courtesy of Rick James
"I'd planned it in the back of my mind for a few months," James says.
Some neighbours and friends were invited to contribute things to the time capsule - an old plywood box that was wrapped in garbage bags before it was buried.
About 20 adults and children, representing eight families, contributed to the time capsule.
Among the items are an old and cheap global positioning system (GPS) unit, coins, a pack of Trident gum, a piggy bank, plush toys, and a toy necklace. The contributor of the GPS unit hopes to see if it will still work with the satellites of the future, while another person wants to see how long the gum will last. There's also a copy of NWT News/North.
"There were lots of personal things," James notes, adding there was nothing of any monetary value.
He plans to open the time capsule in 20-25 years.
"I hope to open it with my grandchildren," he says, adding that whatever contributors are still in Fort Smith at that time will also be invited.
James says he put some computer parts and Mexican coins in the time capsule.