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Kilabuk named Speaker

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Jun 12/06) - It was with mixed emotions that Peter Kilabuk accepted the role of Speaker in Nunavut's legislative assembly last week.

Kilabuk, who represents Pangnirtung, was the unanimous choice of a full caucus on June 8. The decision was made official on June 9.

He became an MLA alongside former Speaker Jobie Nutarak in 1999 when Nunavut was recognized as a separate territory. Having considered Nutarak a good friend and colleague, Kilabuk said he assumes his new duties with some joy and some sorrow.

Nutarak, who resided in Pond Inlet, died in a snowmobile mishap in late April.

A by-election will be held in Tunninuq on Oct. 16. James Arreak, MLA for Uqqummiut, was named deputy speaker.