Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Hay River (Jun 12/06) - For the first time, the NWT's new police dog has assisted with drug enforcement in Hay River.
The dog, a German shepherd known as Lasse, and its handler, Cpl. Mark Hicks of RCMP's "G" Division in Yellowknife, were in the Hay River area to assist with a series of searches June 2-9.

The RCMP's police dog Lasse assisted with a series of drug searches in the Hay River area June 2-9. A news conference -- attended by, left to right, Cpl. Jim Forsey, Const. Mike Carter and dog handler Cpl. Mark Hicks -- was held June 9 to announce details on the results of the sweep. - Paul Bickford/NNSL photo
Three residences and one vehicle were searched, but only one turned up a significant quantity of drugs.
In total, 18 people were arrested. Seven of them were charged with a total of 16 offences. The charges include possession for the purpose of trafficking, possession of drugs, possession of proceeds of crime and various firearms offences. In addition, between $10,000 and $12,000 in cash was seized.
"It could not have been done without the assistance of the dog service," said Const. Mike Carter of the RCMP's Hay River Detachment, noting searches were conducted in Enterprise, Hay River and the Hay River Reserve.
The detachment was also assisted by two members of "G" Division's Street Team in Yellowknife, which specializes in drug offences.
Hicks noted it has been 30 years since the NWT has had a full-time police dog.
The corporal said the dog, which arrived last fall, worked continually during the operation.
As part of the drug sweep, five people were charged as a result of a search of a Hay River residence on June 3.
Police seized approximately 850 grams of marijuana, cash, various weapons and material related to the sale and distribution of marijuana.
The marijuana has an estimated street value of about $17,000.
The seizure led to the arrest of eight people. Three were released without being charged.
Gordon Loutit, 46, of Hay River was charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and unsafe storage of firearms.
Hans Jimmy, 19, of Hay River has been charged with possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and possession of proceeds of crime.
Timothy Dunham, 22, of Edmonton faces charges of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, possession of proceeds of crime, and possession of a prohibited weapon.
Two youth from Edmonton were also charged with offences related to the sale and distribution of marijuana.
The other searches resulted in a number of charges against two other people. One was charged with possession of crack cocaine.
All accused are scheduled to appear in Hay River Territorial Court on July 12.
Cpl. Jim Forsey said the amount of drugs seized indicates Hay River police have made a "big time" impact on the drug trade in the last two years. In the recent past, there were much larger seizures of marijuana and crack cocaine.