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Power Corp., union reach deal

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 24/06) - After more than five days of intense negotiations, the NWT Power Corporation and unionized employees have struck a unanimous deal, avoiding a strike.

In a joint press release issued Tuesday afternoon, both the union and company were, "Pleased to announce a tentative collective agreement was reached last week between the parties with the assistance of a mediator."

Included in the three-year deal is a three per cent wage increase over each year and the addition of a job evaluation appeals process.

Last Monday, Union of Northern Workers president Todd Parsons went into talks with nearly unanimous labour action consent from unionized employees.

Failing a deal, union members could have been in a position to walk off the job by mid-June.

"The strong mandate that the members have given us will show the employer that the bargaining team speaks for all the members, and they need to start listening," said Parsons in a May 11 press release.

According to the UNW, on May 10, 70 per cent of its membership voted 99 per cent in favour of a walkout if the company did not meet its demands.

However, week-long mediation efforts proved successful and according to UNW spokesperson Barb Wyness, ratification for the deal from membership will take place, "Hopefully by early July."

Wyness had speculated late Friday afternoon that the sessions could spill into the long weekend. "The fact that they are still talking and haven't walked away from the table is a good sign," she said on Friday.

Unionized workers at the company had been without a collective agreement since Jan. 1, 2005.