David Ryan
Northern News Services
Cambridge Bay (May 22/06) - A proven winner with a track record for improving the lives of Inuit received some recognition earlier this month.
Charlie Lyall, president and chief executive officer of the Kitikmeot Corporation, was named Nunavut Business Person of the Year by the Baffin Region Chamber of Commerce.

Charlie Lyall, president and chief executive officer of the Kitikmeot Corporation, right, and Jaan Aaviku, area manager with Cementation Canada, stand behind the Kitikmeot Corporation booth at the Nunavut Mining Symposium in Cambridge Bay recently. During the symposium, Lyall was named the Nunavut Business Person of the Year by the Baffin Region Chamber of Commerce. - David Ryan/NNSL photo
"When they told me, it was a total surprise. It rendered me speechless," said Lyall.
"I don't live and work for awards."
What Lyall has been working for is to provide Inuit with job and training opportunities through the Kitikmeot Corporation.
One of the top priorities for Lyall and the corporation is to advance mining and mine-related opportunities.
"I'm travelling to get mine development happening in the region and employment for Inuit," he said.
While Lyall is confident that mining opportunities will come to the region, he also knows that training and education needs to be encouraged.
Through mining, Inuit now have opportunities and encouragement to become geologists, computer programmers or take technical training for mine related work, he said.
"Education is the key."
One example of successful training is a joint venture project administered by the Kitikmeot Corporation, Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. and Kitikmeot Cementation Mining and Development.
Twelve candidates from the Kitikmeot region were selected for 16 weeks of specific mine and safety training, said Jaan Aaviku, area manager with Cementation Canada.
"The program helps to bring skills, safety and job opportunities," said Aaviku.
Training programs are essential, according to Lyall. Being part of Inuit business initiatives is also a key factor to stimulate work.
"The Kitikmeot Corporation is involved in about 15 businesses - all of them successful," said Lyall.
Lyall said he will continue working for Inuit opportunities and strive to raise the standard of living in the North.
"We've proven we can do honest business in a timely manner," he said.