Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Inuvik (May 19/06) - A motion to revert the position of mayor back to part-time status was defeated at the last town council meeting on May 10.
Peter Clarkson has been a full-time mayor since the 2004 election.

Mayor Peter Clarkson stands proudly in front of the town office after his 2004 re-election. Clarkson has been a full-time mayor since then. A recent motion to revert the position back to part-time was defeated last week in a Town Council meeting. - NNSL file photo
Before that election, council decided the mayor should be full-time.
This recent motion was a result of a council concern that was raised during an in-camera session meeting earlier this month.
Coun. Karen King said the concern stemmed from Clarkson's involvement in the town's administrative duties. "He has been taking duties away from the SAO," said King.
A few councillors wanted a job description for Clarkson's position to ensure he was needed full-time.
Coun. Paul Komaromi said the decision to make the position full-time may have been premature.
"There was a lot of activity in town then. It seemed like a good idea, but maybe we jumped the gun," he said.
Coun. Derek Lindsay said he didn't want to vote because not enough information was present to make a balanced decision.
He voted against the part-time change
"He should be full-time. We can't revert back to the old times where the mayor is also the gas bar attendant and runs the general store," said Lindsay.
Clarkson said the position of mayor is not a traditional job, in which you sign off at the end of the day.
"You are never not the mayor," said Clarkson. "I'm always on the job."
The motion was defeated four to three. One councillor was absent.