Dez Loreen
Northern News Services
Inuvik (May 19/06) - Mayor Peter Clarkson is concerned with the last census survey done in Inuvik, and wants a better turnout this year.
"I have major concern about the census done in 2001," said Clarkson.

Stats Canada is doing its 2006 census in Inuvik this month. Each person counted in Inuvik is worth $18,000 for the community through government funding. - Dez Loreen/NNSL photo
"The numbers were way lower than they should have been."
Clarkson's concerns lie in the difference between the 2001 census and the prior 1996 survey.
According to Stats Canada, in 1996 the population of Inuvik was 3,296. By 2001, the recorded population had dropped to 2,894.
Clarkson said the 12 per cent decrease was inaccurate.
"We had a mini-boom in population here in 2001. There were no rental units available and new units were being rented too," he said.
Clarkson and his administration knew something was wrong when they received their totals that year.
Sherry Wallace, regional communications manager in the western region for Stats Canada, said the slogan for the census survey this year is "count yourself in."
"Virtually every spending decision by the federal government is affected by census information," said Wallace.The Town of Inuvik receives funding from the federal and territorial governments on a per capita basis. The overall funding amount is decided by the census survey results.
"Each person in Inuvik is worth $18,000 in additional funding," explained Clarkson.
The mayor has some theories about how people in town may have slipped through the cracks of the 2001 survey.
"Maybe the census workers were not going back to double check, or maybe the person inside didn't care to answer the door," said Clarkson.
Either way, Clarkson said the survey this year should be as accurate as possible.
Wallace wants people to know that everyone in Canada is to be included in the census survey.
"We need to include senior citizens, young babies, recent immigrants - anyone who lives in Canada," said Wallace.
To create awareness of the door-to-door visitors, the town office has sent out emails to community leaders and posters have been put up around the community.
The census workers will be in Inuvik until May 28 and they will be checking residential units during the early evening hours.
Clarkson said the information taken by the surveyors is strictly confidential.
"You are just a number in the survey. None of your information will be released to the RCMP or Revenue Canada," said Clarkson.