Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Whale Cove (Apr 26/06) - Members of the new Kivalliq Wildlife Board made an emotional presentation to Martha (Makki) Angoo of Whale Cove this past week.
The presentation was made during a board meeting in Rankin Inlet.
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. had been handling Kivalliq wildlife matters for the past two years in response to concerns over how local hunter and trapper organizations (HTO) were handling finances.
The new wildlife board is ready to move forward with a clean slate.
Angoo was presented with a wall hanging dedicated to the memory of her late husband, Jack, and his years of service and dedication towards the preservation of wildlife.
New board president David Aksawnee said Jack spent a great many years on both the Whale Cove HTO and the wildlife board. He said board members benefitted from Jack's knowledge every meeting he attended.
"Jack was always one to use Inuit knowledge in regards to managing our wildlife," said Aksawnee.
"He was always a very effective board member for both the HTO and the Kivalliq Wildlife Board."
Aksawnee said few people have the amount of knowledge concerning Kivalliq wildlife that Jack possessed.
He said the same also rings true for Jack's hunting skills.
"Jack always gave us an experienced opinion during our meetings. He was quite a popular man, not only among our board members but to the people of the Kivalliq, as well.
"When a person makes the level of contribution Jack did, it's important for those efforts to be recognized.
"He was the kind of man who always said yes when asked to help out."
Whale Cove Mayor Stanley Adjuk echoes Aksawnee's sentiments.
He said Jack was well respected by everyone in his community, and would always lend a helping hand to those in need. "Jack would often return from his hunting trips and share country food with the entire community," said Adjuk.
"He was president of our HTO for many years and was also a former mayor of Whale Cove. "I will always remember his smile and friendliness the most. I never saw the man get mad. He always seemed to be in a good mood."