Andrew Raven
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Apr 21/06) - Spring in Yellowknife is a time of chirping birds, bright, sunny days and melting snow. But behind those postcard images are piles of long-dormant trash that begin to resurface each year like clockwork.

City Hall unveiled the recipients of $30,000 in grants for its annual spring cleanup, Tuesday.
In a never-ending battle against garbage, city councillors gave preliminary approval Tuesday to $30,000 in grants that will go towards community groups willing to haul away the trash.
"This is a good start," said Coun. Dave McCann. "But we've got to do a whole lot more."
A report released last month showed almost 70 per cent of Yellowknifers felt City Hall was not doing enough to control litter and most parts of town had problems with trash. The worst areas included the downtown core and the commercial strip along Old Airport Road.
The cleanup grants will be split between 46 community groups, each with a focus on youth programming.
If the recommendation is approved by council Monday night, each group will get $652.
The scheme is a boon for both the community and non-profit groups, said Monica Das, a board members with the Yellowknife Playschool. The program for toddlers will receive one of the grants.
"We, as a non-profit, like to have some major fundraising programs," she said Tuesday. "And it gives us a chance to interact with the community."
The cleanup week is scheduled for May 14 to 21.